New york city pride gay sex porn video

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In attendance as well was City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, who hopes to become NYC’s first openly homosexual mayor.Īs for notables making appearances elsewhere, CBS writes: Cuomo also launched the “I Love NY LGBT” tourism website. … Lady Gaga kicked off the weekend of celebrations with an appearance and performance at the pride rally in TriBeCa.

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Serving as this year’s grand marshal is musician and activist Harry Belafonte. Mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner also courted support in the crowd speaking to spectators through a bullhorn, and Public Advocate and candidate Bill de Blasio also marched.

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Andrew Cuomo and other political leaders marched in the parade. This mirrors increased attendance in such parades nationwide, with participants eager to celebrate what is viewed as a milestone in the advancement of the homosexual agenda.Īs per usual, the “Pride” events were supported by liberal politicians and celebrities. Bolstered by the Supreme Court’s recent DOMA decision, it is reported that two million people attended this past Sunday’s homosexual “Pride” parade in New York City.

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